
What is an ‘eco-friendly’ life all about?

We believe an eco-friendly life is about stepping back from mindless consumption and changing your lifestyle so it’s more in harmony with your environment. We created this website to help you find quick and easy ways to become more eco-friendly.

Of course, there are many questions that arise when you are considering changing your lifestyle: How do you change your habits when they are so ingrained? How do you enjoy a sustainable lifestyle on a budget? The idea of making lifestyle changes can seem so, well…overwhelming. Changing habits doesn’t happen overnight but simple hacks can help you start your journey to rebalance your relationship with your environment so you reduce your impact on the planet.

Living an eco-friendly life

We focus on the circular economy ideas that will hopefully inspire you to make changes that will minimise your impact on the environment. Many of the ideas will save you money too!

In recent years the interest in living an eco-friendly life has grown which is great, but so has ‘greenwashing‘. With that in mind, we are careful about any products or services we endorse on this website.

At the time of writing, we have only 8.5 years left before the climate changes reach the tipping point of no return – the damage that we, as humans have done to the planet, will officially be irreversible. Like you, we feel this information is scary, yet all is not lost. We are strong believers that small lifestyle changes can make a big difference:

Little drops of water,

little grains of sand,

make a mighty ocean

and the pleasant land

Julia A.F Carney

About Us

We are Debbie and Chris, a couple with a passion for living sustainably and minimising our impact on the planet. We both have day jobs (Debbie is a BSL interpreter and Chris is a course designer). We have two kids, both teens, who will have to deal with the consequences of over-consumption. It is up to us to lead the way and show them that we can live sustainably – living doesn’t need to cost the Earth.

About us
Hi, from Chris and Debbie!

We want to make it clear that we are learning just as much as you are. No amount of studying and researching can make you an ‘expert’ and we are by no means militant about making changes to your lifestyle. ‘Do what you can’ is our motto because even one step towards sustainability is a step in the right direction.

Having started our journey, we want to share some tips and information about the changes you can make to your lifestyle without breaking the bank. We have already experienced the benefits of changing some of our habits and there is always room to do more. We want to share the love and give you ideas that will hopefully inspire you to make changes to your lifestyle too.

We are strong believers in the compound effect – small actions over a period of time can make a big difference to your life and the planet. There are now more and more people looking at ways to reverse consumption and want to live sustainably which lots of small actions by lots of people can make a difference. And if you’ve read this far, that means you want to start taking action to live sustainably too.

We look forward to helping you on your journey so you can live a happier, healthier eco-friendly life. If you have any feedback or want to tell us about something we’ve missed, then we’d love to hear from you. You can drop us a line by heading over to our contact page.

If you like what we do, you can support our work, by buying us a cup of tea (we’re British, we love tea!).