Helping you live an eco-friendly life

eco friendly living ideas for going green
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Are you looking at ways to live an eco-friendly life? Do you want to live sustainably whilst being eco(nomically) friendly on the pocket?

Welcome to an eco-friendly life. Becoming greener has never been easier. Even small changes can make a huge difference. We are great believers in the circular economy so many of the ideas on this blog have sustainability as a guiding principle.

When it comes to eco-friendly living, there are a lot of different factors to consider. From green jobs, banking, food, clothing to housing and energy use, making your home more environmentally friendly can seem like a daunting task. But don’t worry – we’re here to help!

We’re not here to preach, (because no one is perfect, right?) and everyone is different. What suits your lifestyle will be different from someone else’s. We offer ideas to help with lifestyle changes that could save you money as well as help save the planet too. We have tried and tested many of the ideas for going greener so you get the added benefit of experience as well as hints and tips being more environmentally friendly.

So whether you’re just getting started on your eco-friendly journey, looking to improve your sustainability or you’re looking for ways to take your eco-friendly home to the next level, we’ve researched ways to enjoy guilt-free living without breaking the bank. We want to help you re-balance your life and make changes that create a brighter future for you and your loved ones.

An eco-friendly life that’s healthy, wealthy and wise

An eco-friendly life can help you achieve better health, save you money and make you smarter about helping the planet too.

You will find a wealth of resources for you to share with others who want to live sustainably. We like to keep things simple so you wont find ‘101 things to…..’ because life is too short. You can start your eco-friendly journey by checking out our ‘7 simple steps to becoming eco-friendly‘.

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